"Annabeth Gish"
Name: Anne Elizabeth Gish
Born: March 13, 1971
Place: Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Eyes: Dark Chocolate Brown
Hair: Dark Brown - Brunette
Height: 5'8" or 5'9" - I have
seen both
Weight: Just perfect
& none of our damn business
Parents: Mother: Judy
Robert F. Gish
are retired college professors
Siblings: Sister: Robin
Butzier - 9+ yrs older
Elementary School Teacher
Timothy Gish - 6+ yrs older
Furniture Company Executive
Annabeth is "the baby"
Grew up: Cedar Falls,
High Sch: Northern University,
Cedar Falls, Iowa -Grad 1989
College: Duke University -
Graduated 1993
Minor: Women's
BA w/ honors Magna Cum Laude
Status: Married to Wade Allen
(as of October 11, 2003)
Children: No, but would like
to one day
Pets: Yellow/Golden Labrador
Retriever - Lola
Career: Performing Arts -
Primarily an Actress
Activities: All forms of
Dance (esp Salsa),
Piano, Keyboards and can "Sing" just fine!
Interests: Touch
Stones & the Healing Arts
Religion: Believer -
Very Spiritual
Address: c/o ICM, 8942 Wilshire
Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA
owns a 2-Bedroom Ranch Style Home
All-Time Favorite Annabeth Movies:
"Gillery's Little Secret" (2005).
Whoa. This little movie-short was awesome! The producers/Independent Filmmakers are now working hard to
try and get this little jewel made into a full-length feature film. But, nice little movie for the woman-loving-woman
kind. Interestingly enough, Annabeth's co-star, whom played her ex-girlfriend, Bernadette, guested-starred
in "The X-Files" during Season 9 as well. Nice...
"To Live Again" (1998).
Gosh, I wish this movie was easier to find. Awesome true story with Bonnie Bedelia (of LIFETIME'S
"The Division") as the social worker that helps a 31-year-old woman struggle for a normal life &
happiness again after being locked away by her very own mother in a small bedroom for almost 17 years. A true story! AG
plays the role of the 31-year-old and gives an incredible performance in my opinion. Awesome acting and what a story
of triumph over tragedy. I Highly Recommend this movie!
"True Women" (1997).
Great, late 1800's on into the early 1900's, movie beginning around 1835-1840 on up to around 1925, plus or minus a few
years. Angelina Jolie (LARA CROFT of "TOMB RAIDER") & Dana
Delaney (of "CHINA BEACH" fame) also star in this great little Women's Western. The women
can really kick some ass in this little jewel! The name says "True Women" but, hey, I'll tell ya, they were "Tough Women"
as well. Don't make the ladies angry... LOL! I Highly Recommend!
"When He's Not A Stranger" (1989).
Wow! One of her best performances ever as a young, up-and-coming actress. She's around 18-19 years old in this film. Another
true story about a young college freshman that is raped by an acquaintance. A must see movie! It is hard to find, but, well
worth the effort to find it. I Highly Recommend!
"Mystic Pizza" (1988),
"Hiding Out" (1987), "Coupe DeVille" (1989) and "Shag" (1989).
Even though these movies are from the late 1980's they are all still quite popular. AG is so
young, and so cute. She's not even 20-yrs-old! And "Kat" of Mystic Pizza can still make
my heart go pitterpat. LOL! And, FYI, Mystic Pizza was the movie that put Julia Roberts
on the map, while Annabeth took time off from movie-making to get her B.A. from Duke University. She had top-billing
in Mystic Pizza (over Julia), but she chose to get an education first before continuing to pursue her acting
career any further. You go girl! Her education came first! Just one more reason why I admire her so... sigh... Anyway,
I Highly Recommend any of these four movies. But I would say that Mystic and Shag
are my favs.
"Desert Bloom" (1986).
Her first movie and big-screen-debut. What can I say? The critics say she 'stole the show' and I would agree. She's
only about 13-years-old in this movie, but already showed such talent and promise. And she beat out Winona Ryder
for the part! Her mom has been quoted as saying "Annabeth was not nervous at all" at the audition. She just "went in there
and did her thing" and won the part of little Rose! You go, girl! Her co-stars: Jon Voight, JoBeth
Williams & Ellen Barkin. Not bad for a little 13-year-old just starting out. And I Highly
Recommend this movie, too. It's one of her best, IMHO!
"Race To Space" (2000).
This movie is one of the cutest movies Annabeth has done in years! I just loved her with the cute little chimp,
Tyler. And the out-takes on the DVD are just precious! Race To Space is a warm
and heartfelt adventure film, based on the exciting true story of the first American in space - namely Mac, the Astrochimp!
This spectacular true-science odyssey takes place during the dramatic 1960's space-race between the United States and the
Soviet Union. There are some really great moments with the little chimp and his pals. It's got some comedy scenes, but
it also has some great lessons for all of us about family, love and support for one another. Bottom line - this is a
GREAT movie for the entire family! I Highly Recommend it!
"A Death In The Family" (2001).
I LOVE this movie! Annabeth does a superb job in this film, although the film centers around her young son, Rufus, she still
does an amazing job as the supporting actress. This
movie is part of the "American Collection" from "The Masterpiece Theatre" of PBS. The
author, James Agee, was born James Rufus Agee on Nov. 27, 1909, in Knoxville, TN. He was a famous poet, film
critic, essayist, novelist, screen writer, journalist, and social commentator. The story follows a time in his early childhood when
a very tragic and sudden event occurred in his young life. I Highly
Recommend this movie, although it is somewhat sad. But it shows us all, that no matter what, life must go on.
Again, a GREAT movie for the whole family!
And then there are
the movies most everyone that is an AG fan has already heard of by now. "Double Jeopardy" (1999), "Nixon"
(1995), "Don't Look Back" (1996),
Wyatt Earp" (1994), "Beautiful Girls" (1996), "The
Last Supper" (1995), "The Way She Moves" (2001), and the way she "does move" in that
movie... Oh my God... The lady can DANCE! Talking about tall, dark and gorgeous!
Other Annabeth Gish
projects not mentioned in
my "All-Time Favorite Annabeth
Movies" List:
Brotherhood (2006)
Mojave Phone Booth (2005)
Gillery's Little Secret
Stephen King's "Desperation" (2005)
Celestine Prophecy (2005)
Liberty Street (2004)
The Detective (2004)
KNOTS (2004)
The West Wing
(1999- )
The X-Files (1993-2002)
Buying The Cow (2001)
Pursuit of Happiness
Morning (2000)
Sealed with a Kiss
Different (1999)
God's New Plan/No Higher
Love (1999)
SLC Punk! (1999)
Mayday (1997)
Steel (1997)
What Love Sees
Courthouse (1995)
Scarlett (1994)
Silent Cries
Lady Against the Odds (1992)
The Last To Go (1991)
Hero in the Family (1986)
Has the lady been busy or what?... Geez...
Annabeth's Charities:
"Monica Reyes"
Name: Monica Julieta Reyes
Born: March 13, 1968
Place: Austin, Texas, USA
Eyes: Dark Chocolate Brown
Hair: Dark Brown - Brunette
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 136 lbs.
Parents: Birth Mom -
Marthe' Sophie Dione-Reyes
Birth Dad
- ...................
up for Adoption at 26+ months
Siblings: Sister: .....................
9+ yrs older
...................6+ yrs older
are Siblings from the Adoption
Blood Brother: Julian Dione-Reyes
Julian is her baby brother - 7 yrs younger
Grew up: Outskirts
of Guadalajara, Mexico
High Sch: ASFG High, Guadalajara, Mexico
- 1986
College: Brown University
- Graduated 1990
Religion - Folklore/Mythology
Medical Studies
BS & Masters in only 4 years
Status: Technically Single; Married
to Dana Scully
Children: Yes, by Legal Guardianship
Pets: Chc.Tab Cat - Xena &
Orng Tab Cat - Gabby
Career: Law Enforcement for
the US Government
Former Dance Instr, Keyboards,
Rhythm/Lead Guitar, Sings beautifully
Interests: Touch Stones, Candles/the
Healing Arts
Religion: Believer - Very
Address: 4500 Crossroads
Circle, Lake Barcroft, VA
Lake Front 2-Bedroom Ranch Style
All-Time Favorite Music:
I just learned a few months ago that
AG is a woman after my own heart when it comes to her musical tastes. The last CD she had purchased according to a live-chat
interview at the time, was "Journey:Greatest Hits - Live". Oh my! I listen to that CD all the time! Awesome! She's a
Steve Perry fan! Yes! As I drool... Anyway here is a list of some of what I could find of the music she likes...
and I have also added what Reyes likes as well. Not everything listed is an Annabeth favorite. But MOST of it is.
The ones that I know for sure are will have an "AG" symbol next to the artist:
Pop/Rock & Easy Listening:
The BackStreet Boys (AG) - Favorites:
"Shape of My Heart", "Drowning"
Chicago - Favorites: "Just You'n Me", "Love Me Tomorrow", "I Don't
Want To Live Without Your love", "We Can Last Forever"
Phil Collins - Favorites: "Against All Odds", "One More Night"
Richard Marx - Favorites: "Now &
Forever", "Right Here Waiting"
Sarah McLachlan (AG) - Favorites: "Angel", "I Love You", "I Will
Remember You"
Simon & Garfunkel (AG) - Favorites: "Bridge Over Troubled Water"
Sting (AG) - Favorites: "Fragile"
And a few other artists like: Annie Lennox, Michelle Branch &
Latin/Salsa: (after all, Reyes is from South of
the Border)
Marc Anthony (AG) - Favorites: "I've
Got You", "I Swear", "My Baby, You", "She Mends Me", "When I Dream At Night"
Christina Aguilera, Gloria Estefan,
Enrique Iglesias & Ricky Martin
A little Southern Rock & Roll:
Aerosmith (AG) - Favorites:
"Sweet Emotion", "Walk This Way"
Foreigner (AG)- Favorites: "Hot Blooded", "Urgent"
Journey (AG)- Favorites: "Faithfully", "Open Arms", "Separate Ways"
(AG)- Favorites: "Alone", "Never", "These Dreams", "What About Love"
Some Heavy Metal:
Like Metallica (AG) - Oh
wow! Annabeth likes the Heavy Metal stuff. Whew... Alrighty then...
Some Euro Techno/Trance Dance Music:
Nine Inch Nails - Favorites: "Closer (Deviation)" and "Heresy (Blind)"
Wild Life - "I Don't Want U"
Some R&B and Jazz:
Mariah Carey - Favorites: "Hero", "I'll
Be There"
Luther Vandross & Tina Turner
Some Classical:
Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Debussy, Handel,
Mozart & Pachelbel
Here's a Quick List of Moni's Favorite Movies:
"Dirty Dancing", "Foot Loose", "Grease", "Shag" & "The Way She Moves".
After all, she worked her way through University as a Dance Instructor. LOL! Then there is "Dead Poet's Society", "Ghost".
"Fried Green Tomatoes", "Top Gun", "Silence of the Lambs", "The Bone Collector" & "The Body Guard" just to name
a few.
Special Note:
There has been some confusion on where
Reyes actually lives. The address listed in the dossier above is my own preference and the address I use in the MyGirlReyes
FanFic. But Reyes actually lives at 67 Bennett Avenue in Washington, DC. You'll just have to read my stories to find out when
she moves from 67 Bennett Ave to the Lake Barcroft area. As I tease you...
Some Reyes Extras:
Badge No: FBI Profiler - AEG3131971 ID Nos: ID #2469-368
or ID# X196864DS9 Email Address: M_Reyes@FBI.gov
Home Phone: (202) 555-7098 Cellular: (202) 555-1964 FBI Office Phone: (202) 555-0223
Weapon: SIG-Sauer P228 or
SIG-Sauer P226. Both 9mm
Used Only in the MyGirlReyes
NOT in "The X-Files" TV
Show itself